
rectifying the illusion of a painting

... because that is what you do... you hang a painting up...

...when you paint you create the illusion of depth and volume through the 2-d manipulation of light and shadow... here... there is no illusion... light, shadow, space, and volume is REAL...
Forms (acrylic paint and canvas) arranged where darker values recede in space and lighter more to the foreground...

Here, I am thinking about what constitutes a painting and what makes a paining... borrowing from the elements of conventional painting... i am trying to make it a painting as per conventions .. but still execute the piece so that people may question its existence...

Well is it an installtion...? perhaps... but it is hung... and it uses predominately paint ...which is on strips of canvas... there is an implied rectilinear space that is created by all the pieces which becomes mimetic of your standard canvas...

Transparency Sheets and Acrylic Paint (the process)

(his) suspended support

Projection can be viewed here

every aspect in this piece becomes extremely important and sybolic...

a certain tension has been created by the juxtaposition of the rigid mangled metal against the light delicate decaying sutures leaves and paper towels....

the idea was loosely based ultimately around creating a tool to reach the unobtainable... which would be my father's support...

where the metal becomes the part supporting the decaying sheet of leaves sewn to paper towels ... The form was created in reminiscent of a child's fort... which creates a space for only one person... surrounded by the truth of the relationship... decaying leaves attached to a reduced version of its former support (a tree trunk - the derivative of paper towels) ... it is an artificial support... that has been reduced to the same thin vulnerable quality of the leaves...

Decaying leaves ( preserved with polycrylic) sutured to paper towels with blue sewing thread


you'll never know



The video being projected onto the surface of In The Vein of Humanity cane be viewed below. NOTE***Neither the projection/video nor the painting exist autonomously, and are not endorsed as separate entities. The video is provided to get a better idea about the whole experience.